Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News7 new results for Progressives
Not much representation for progressives
Washington Post
While his faint praise for our fair city felt a bit toss-away, as though Mr. Will were casting about in a file marked "Liberal Things I Love to Hate," we gladly accept the honor as representatives of Progressive Thought and Humor, endangered species ...
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Ellis: Progressives relevant in SD history three times
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Rarer still is the hardcore progressive Democrat. You know, the ones who believe in a top personal income tax rate of 90 percent. The ones who want oil and coal companies nationalized and eventually shut down in favor of renewable energy. ...
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The Rise Of The Regressive Right And The Reawakening Of America
Daily Markets
A fundamental war has been waged in this nation since its founding, between progressive forces pushing us forward and regressive forces pulling us backward. Progressives believe in openness, equal opportunity, and tolerance. Progressives assume we're ...
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Fitzsimon: Progressive wind blowing
Greenville Daily Reflector
Progressives did better in municipal elections too. Greensboro's first Republican mayor, elected two years ago, ran well behind his Democratic challenger and is headed for a runoff. Raleigh voters not only elected a progressive mayor in Nancy McFarlane ...
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The Haunted Heaven: Chapter Nineteen: Interlude: Holocaust in America
Enter Stage Right
Many have simply proven to be, from the Nazi's to the Progressives, "undeniably more gifted and intelligent and cunning than most other people." Meanwhile the rest of America seems to remain "conveniently naïve." "Deaf, dumb and blind" to the horrors ...
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Is 'Occupy' movement worthy of note?
Delmarva Now
I was among the small crowd organized by Eastern Shore Progressives gathered in front of Rep. Andy Harris' office on Tuesday at noon. I don't think anyone in the crowd who was chanting and holding signs urging "Jobs, Not Tax Cuts" was expecting an ...
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Why Capitalism Glorifies God
Town Hall
Even within the same religion, emotional progressives are clashing with rational believers. Dominican Sister Pat Daly of New Jersey told Catholic News Service, "I'm thrilled to see this momentum as more and more people are taking to the streets. ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
American Policy Center » "Progressives" and the Art of Civility
As more and more Americans took up the protests against an ever growing federal government, the "Progressives" took to the CNN/MSNBC/New York Times ..."progressives"

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