Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
In Colorado, colliding views on the proper form of government
Washington Post
US Constitution DENVER Progressives have long lamented the fact that the Framers designed a Constitution replete with impediments to federal government activism — fetters such as federalism itself, enumerated powers, three branches of government, ...
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World Series protest: Progressives protest how MLB works with Glenn Beck (blog)
The progressive group Americans United for Change is ticked that MLB Advanced Media, the interactive arm of Major League Baseball, is working with ex-FOX Newser Glenn Beck. MLB Advanced is using their technology to stream Beck's new online subscription ...
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Russ Feingold Endorses Tammy Baldwin In 2012 Senate Race
Huffington Post
in her run for US Senate on Wednesday, encouraging progressives to donate to her to fight back against "Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, and big corporations." Feingold will be making his endorsement in an email to Baldwin's supporters on Wednesday. ...
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State Sen. Ashe to run for Burlington, Vt., mayor
The Republic
AP BURLINGTON, Vt. — A Burlington, Vt., lawmaker plans to enter the race for the city's mayor, hoping to pull support from both Democrats and Progressives. State Sen. Tim Ashe, a Democrat and Progressive representing Chittenden County, says he's the ...
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The Revolution of 2011?
The economist Robert Reich hit the nail on the head recently when he wrote: "Progressives believe in openness, equal opportunity, and tolerance. Progressives assume we're all in it together: We all benefit from public investments in schools and health ...
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Occupy Wall Street Has Chosen the Wrong Enemy
The Progressives busted trusts, imposed unprecedented government regulations on food, passed landmark labor laws, and galvanized millions of urban and rural poor Americans who had been marginalized during the Republican Party's dominance in the late ...
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The Thursday wrap
Tribune Review
"Progressives" have been making much hay about America's rising poverty rate. Odd, but we don't seem to hear much from this crowd about how it has increased despite the government spending $16 trillion to supposedly eradicate it. ...
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Panel explores 'common ground'
Gulf Breeze News
Progressives: Is there any Common Ground?' on Saturday, Oct. 22 in Navarre. The event will be held at The Club of Hidden Creek, 3070 PGA Boulevard. Doors open at 6 pm and dinner starts at 6:30. Tickets are $50. The panel begins at 7 pm Scheduled ...
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'Super committee' on deficit reduction is getting an earful
Los Angeles Times
His Progressives United group sent more than 50000 emails pressing for the "Buffett rule," based on billionaire Warren Buffett's assertion that the wealthy should pay at least as high a tax rate as lower-income individuals. ...
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Los Angeles Times
COLUMN: Occupy Wall Street does have unified message
Central Michigan Life
Skeptical progressives seem to be on board thus far. It is easy to be angry at the big banks, as they were the ones that singlehandedly caused the economic mess we are still suffering after three full years. Protesting is not the way that will be ...
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Central Michigan Life

Blogs1 new result for Progressives
Winning Progressive » Blog Archive » Conservatives Consistently ...
By Winning Progressive
Yesterday Winning Progressive explained one reason why all progressives need to make their voices heard in our nation's political debates – namely, the media's "unrelentingly negative treatment" of President Obama shows that it is up to us ...
Winning Progressive

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