Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News9 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Council's Perkins Downplays Paul Win
By Newsmax Wires Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council, wasn't impressed with the victory of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul in the Values Voter Summit straw poll Saturday. The Texas GOP congressman's win ...
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SPLC debunks 10 myths commonly used to demonize LGBT people
LGBTQ Nation
By Brody Levesque Bullying and anti-gay violence are by far the worst legacy arising from the falsehoods spread by the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA), according to a new intelligence report by the Southern ...
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LGBTQ Nation
Seven things we learned from the Values Voter Summit
Washington Post
The Family Research Council, which organized the gathering, said it drew more than 3000 conservatives to hobnob, participate in panel discussions and hear every major GOP candidate except former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. 1. Social conservatives have not ...
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FRC President Agrees with Obama – 2012 Election about Values
By Fred Lucas Washington ( – Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the 2012 election will be about values and this is the one point he agrees with President Obama about. "The president has made clear in recent speeches that ...
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For Gingrich, 2012 is about more than beating Obama
CBS News
US Republican presidential hopeful former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addresses the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington on October 7, 2011. (NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Image) The question is simple but profound: Will the 2012 ...
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What values does Value Voters Summit represent?
American Muslim
The Summit was sponsored by FRC Action (the political arm of the Family Research Council) and the American Family Association (ranked as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center). Bryan Fischer, the head of the American Family Association and ...
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Q & A: Ron Paul on Leaving the Episcopal Church, and Whether to Legislate ...
Ron Paul won a straw poll at the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit on October 8, receiving 37 percent of the vote at the social conservative convention. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins downplayed the results some, ...
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Three Lessons From the Values Voter Summit
The Nation. (blog)
The Values Voter Summit is an annual confab of several thousand religious right activists in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Family Research Council. This year's conference was the biggest in its history. Every major Republican candidate for president ...
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The Nation. (blog)
<p>President Santorum Would Do... What, Exactly About Don't Ask Don't Tell?</p>
Slate Magazine (blog)
Rick Santorum (R-PA) addresses the Values Voter Summit, hosted by Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), 2011 October 7, 2011 in Washington, DC. All the major Republican presidential candidates are expected to speak in the annual two-day event. ...
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Slate Magazine (blog)

Blogs1 new result for "Family Research Council"
FRC clearly hates the fact that Ron Paul won 'Value Voters' straw ...
By G-A-Y
There's no way that a far-right group like the Family Research Council wants Rep. Ron Paul as the ... But even funnier/ more telling than the results themselves is the way Family Research Council is trying to spin them. Check out the headline ...
Good As You

Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Google Alert - "Family Research Council" - Governor W. Mitt ...
News 8 new results for "Family Research Council" FRC Action to Hold News Conference Following Straw Poll Announcement at Values ... MarketWatch ( press ...

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