Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News7 new results for "Family Research Council"
Ron Paul wins Values Voter Summit straw poll despite skepticism from Family ...
Independent Voter Network
by Christopher A. Guzman Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul may have handily won this weekend's Values Voter Summit straw poll over businessman Herman Cain in Washington DC, but that didn't stop the head of the Family Research Council ...
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The Nation: Romney's Toughest Talking Points
by Ben Adler Republican presidential hopeful and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney addresses the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington on Oct. 8, 2011. Republican presidential hopeful and former Massachusetts governor Mitt ...
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Scientists Reveal Cloning in Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The New American
One expert on stem cell research, Dr. David Prentice of the Family Research Council, told LifeNews.com that in addition to being highly unethical, the research was, in reality, "decidedly underwhelming." Prentice explained that while the scientists ...
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A revealing time at the Value Voters Summit
Lifesite (blog)
by Steve Jalsevac A team of 5 LifeSiteNews staff covered this past weekend's Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC The event, run largely by the Family Research Council and co-sponsored by several other conservative organizations, is a major annual ...
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Lifesite (blog)
Make or break time at last night's GOP debates
89.3 KPCC
Rick Perry addresses the Values Voter Summit 2011, hosted by Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), October 7, 2011 in Washington, DC. The Bloomberg/Washington Post debate aired last night, the seventh debate of the election season. ...
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89.3 KPCC
Are Presidential Hopefuls Palling Around with Hate Groups?
The Nonprofit Quarterly (blog)
Last Friday, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released a report on the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA) just in time for the summit. Entitled "The Anti-Gay Lobby: The Family Research Council, the American ...
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Herman Cain tells protesters to blame Obama
Catholic Online
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) Republican presidential hopeful, Herman Cain called on the Occupy Wall Street protesters to relocate to the White House in a speech he made last Friday at the Family Research Council's annual Value Voters Summit, ...
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Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council: Values Voter Summit 2011 - C-SPAN ...
Public Affairs Event. Conservative leaders and Republican presidential candidates spoke at the Values Voter Summit. House Speaker John Boehner (R- Ohio)* ...

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