Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Dunderdale leads NL Tories to majority
Beginning of Story Content Newfoundland and Labrador's governing Tories were given a third consecutive majority on Tuesday night while the Liberals edged the upstart NDP to remain the Official Opposition. Seat count Progressive Conservatives: 37 ...
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Liberals to form Official Opposition
Beginning of Story Content The Liberals will form the Official Opposition in the house of assembly, but party Leader Kevin Aylward, who took on the job less than two months ago, has failed to win the district of St. George's-Stephenville East. ...
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Liberals propose cutting PST to 3%
Beginning of Story Content The Saskatchewan Liberal Party unveiled its campaign platform on Tuesday. The Saskatchewan Liberal Party unveiled its campaign platform on Tuesday. CBC The Saskatchewan Liberals have unveiled an election platform that ...
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McGuinty tells lt.-gov. he will form minority government
Toronto Star
The NDP leader said she was "quite disappointed" with the Liberals' response. "I certainly don't think the people want to see a lot of political chess playing. I don't think the people want to see the kind of brinkmanship that happened with (Prime ...
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Unions target Lib senator over steel compensation
ABC Online
"I call on the Liberals, including the Liberal Party's local representative Joanna Gash, to get behind this important $300-million transformation plan for local steel industries and the steel industry here in Australia," Mr Jones said.
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How Liberals Are Losing the Battle for Egypt's Future
The Atlantic
And like many Egyptian political players, they are not all instinctively liberal, as evidenced by the flashmob that would rather tear up a TV truck than admit that, this one time, state television was telling the truth about the paltry protest turnout. ...
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Liberal Anti-Democrats
The American
By Steven F. Hayward Tuesday, October 11, 2011 It is always amusing to watch the contortions liberals put themselves through when things aren't going well for them. At the end of the dismal Carter years, liberal intellectuals blamed their failures on ...
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Define Egyptian 'liberal'; give three examples
The emphasis in this story is on the fervent laments and protests of Coptic Orthodox leaders — who are being supported by "liberal activists" who oppose the military's current role in that tense and shattered nation. The bloodshed appeared to mark a ...
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Can Liberals And Libertarians Find Common Ground?
Let's examine a number of issues that have been raised by Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party and liberals and libertarians and see where there is agreement. Get Corporate Money Out Of Politics - This is the issue that really kick started Occupy Wall ...
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Web1 new result for Liberals
After Ignoring Attacks Against Conservative Women, Liberals Get ...
Last week was filled with Chris Christie fat jokes. This week, Sen. Scott Brown was the target of Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren's joke about Brown's nude ...

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