Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday's Daily Brief

Monday, October 10, 2011
Netflix Kills Off Qwikster--Before It Even Launched
Hank Williams FIRES BACK With Scathing New Song About ESPN, Fox News
Christians And Police Clash In Cairo
Americans Win 2011 Nobel Prize For Economic Sciences
How Amanda Knox Is Settling Into 'Normal Life'
Timothy L. O\'Brien: Introducing "Beyond the Battlefield"
Starting today, The Huffington Post begins a ten-part series, Beyond the Battlefield -- an exploration of the physical and emotional challenges, victories and setbacks that catastrophically wounded soldiers encounter after returning home. It is the result of several months of reporting and scores of interviews by our veteran military correspondent, David Wood. This series is a deeply-felt, hard-won and wide-ranging exploration of what it means for a soldier to suffer extraordinary, disabling wounds -- and how friends, families, and hometowns, as well as the military and medical communities, adjust and respond to the struggles these wounded warriors endure.
Robert Kuttner: Obama, Geithner, and the Next Financial Crisis
Populist rhetoric when angry people are in the streets demanding accountability for bankers is a start, but talk is cheap. If the banking mess turns critical again, we will see what this president has learned, and what he is made of.
Dr. Pamela Peeke: The Health Perks Of Caffeine
A new study suggests caffeinated coffee may have a possible protective effect against depression. And the truth is, there are many possible benefits to caffeine that most people are not familiar with.
Susan Pease Gadoua: What Marriage Really Needs Is for Us to Get "Whys"
We still have a one-size-fits-all model for partnering in a culture that increasingly celebrates our differences.
BritChick Paris: Why Losing Someone you Love Does not Have to be the end of the World
Saying goodbye to a parent is the most difficult experience I have ever gone through. You never really know how hard it will be until it happens.

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