Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Voice of Sydney Islamic moderation silenced in Libya
Sydney Morning Herald
Sheikh Naser Zuway - who arrived in Australia as a refugee in the 1990s and who was "very active in teaching people a moderate interpretation of Islam" - went to Benghazi in February to be with his wife and three young children, who had gone to visit ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Islamists Lead Polls Before First Democratic Tunisia Election
For Ennahdha, it's a test of whether Arab Islamic movements can follow Turkey's ruling AKP party in marrying Islam and democracy while attracting foreign investment. "A big win for the Islamists could scare some investors away," said Slim Feriani, ...
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Splits in Islamic alliance raise questions about its electoral strength
Al-Masry Al-Youm
On several occasions, with the exception of the Wasat Party, representatives of these different Islamist factions had made inflammatory statements about the need to implement Islamic Shariah, arousing fears of the reproduction of the Saudi model if ...
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Speak out against Islamic terror? Not at this US hotel
By Bob Unruh Geller said the decision came about because the hotel was "intimidated" into censoring her planned speech by "CAIR thugs," referring to the controversial Islamic advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations. ...
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Afghanistan's Rabbani sought suicide ban: daughter
"He called on all Islamic scholars in the conference to release a fatwa. You know: in Islam killing yourself is forbidden." Several Taliban officials were present at the two-day event which brought together some 600 Islamic scholars. ...
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Islam Pleads Guilty
American Thinker
Don't bet on it, because ten years after the worst sneak-attack on the US so far in Islam's war on America, the nation's situational awareness is worse than ever. Most of us still stubbornly refuse to admit what we already know about Islam: that it's a ...
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Taking a closer look at Islamic Studies
National Post
As an academic discipline, Islamic Studies had a political father and a spiritual mother. Political in that colonizing governments sought to understand the peoples they ruled over for more effective control. Spiritual in that Christian missionaries ...
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Is Islamic law to blame for the Middle East's economic failures?
TIME (blog)
One of the great mysteries of economic history concerns how the Islamic world lost its mojo. A thousand years ago, the Middle East was richer and more influential in the global economy than Europe. According to data compiled by the late economist and ...
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Boko-Haram: Revisiting
Leadership Newspapers
By the time you compare figures, you would see that Boko Haram is an Islamic sect like the Taliban, like Al Quada, like all those other Islamic sects fighting for Islam." The solution to the seemingly endless Boko Haram seems to be in the hands of ...
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Leadership Newspapers
Full Speech of Iran's envoy to Russia in Human Rights Committee meeting
Iranian Students News Agency
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, inspired by the exalted teachings of Islam, the Constitution and international conventions, has given the greatest importance to the promotion of human rights in its goals and programs. ...
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Web3 new results for Islam news
Dailymotion - PT1 TO HELL WITH ISLAM!!! - a News Politics video3 ...
YUSUF Islam » News » Yusuf nominated for Songwriters Hall of ...
Official web site for Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), acclaimed singer- songwriter, humanitarian and philanthropist.
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Trade ...
While Islamic banking and Islamic bonds, or sukuk were expected to lead growth, bankers believe that Islamic trade finance could serve as the dark horse ...

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