Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
China-bashing season opens as US politics hots up
Maritime Professional (blog)
With an election year coming up, politics is dominating the positions of both parties, and China-bashing has become a sure-fire route to gaining populist support. Unemployment in the US and companies sourcing production in China is an incendiary issue ...
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POLITICS: US final rule on foreign workers
Island Business
But after 17 years as a foreign worker in this US territory, Dariguez has never been so worried about having her family broken apart by a long-awaited final rule governing foreign workers in the CNMI. If Dariguez and over 900 other house workers and ...
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Occupy Wall Street protests spread to Boston
Riot police in Boston on Tuesday broke up a protest camp as demonstrations against Wall Street and corporate greed spread across the United States, inviting comparisons with the anti-tax Tea Party movement that has dominated the political arena for two ...
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Alleged Plot to Kill Saudi Ambassador Fuels US Push to 'Isolate' Iran
Fox News
The analysis said the plot as described "seems far-fetched" considering "its ramifications would involve substantial political risk." "Iran has been known to carry out preoperational surveillance in the United States, but it has not yet used this ...
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Fox News
Clinton stresses importance of Asia to US policy in next 10 yrs
Mainichi Daily News
WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed in an article in a monthly US magazine released Tuesday the importance of the Asia-Pacific region to US policy over the next decade. In the November issue of Foreign Policy, Clinton said ...
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In This Debate, Romney Looks Past Rivals
New York Times
"They always hear the siren song of 'If you'll allow us to raise taxes, then we'll make these reductions over here,' when the fact of the matter is — the issue is — we need to have a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. ...
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New York Times
Will Palestinian Lobbying Alienate the US and Israel's Remaining Allies in ...
Fox News
That doesn't stop us from making the effort." For a decade, Colombia has been one of the few adults in the room regarding foreign policy in Latin America, a region that has seen a resurgence of the foreign policy foibles that placed many of its ...
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Fox News
Room for Debate: A Running Commentary on the News
New York Times
He is author of the "Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present" and the forthcoming "After the Fall: International Politics, US Grand Strategy and the End of the Pax Americana." Coupled with the Tea Party's rise, ...
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Us vs. Them: Montgomery County & Lockheed Martin
Catholic Culture
By Dr. Jeff Mirus | October 11, 2011 1:10 PM Most of us seldom see what goes on behind the scenes in Federal politics, but watching our more accessible local politics often gives us a clue. Last week in Montgomery County, Maryland, money talked and the ...
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Catholic Culture
Dewhurst banks $4 million for Senate bid
Austin American-Statesman
As of June 30, the most recent federal reporting deadline, former Dallas Mayor Thomas Leppert had banked $3.4 million, much of which came from Leppert himself, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in US ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: GOP Senators kill jobs bill
By John Aravosis (DC)
News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective.
US Politics | AMERICAblog News

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