Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. plays politics with N.Korean food aid, NGOs say
By Andrew Quinn WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US aid groups have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with North Korean food aid, imperiling millions of hungry and vulnerable people in the isolated Communist state. As South Korean President ...
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US politics live blog: Rick Perry's jobs policy, New Hampshire v Nevada ...
The Guardian (blog)
10.30am: We're waiting on Rick Perry to deliver what is being billed as an "energy speech" at the United States Steel plant in West Mifflin, Pennsylvannia. There's a delay apparently. 10.54am: Here we go: Perry steps up to the stage. ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Sleeping giant of US politics waking up and asking to be heard
Irish Times
THEY ARE the sleeping giant of US politics, a community whose demographic and economic weight far surpasses their political influence. "Right now, there are 54 million Americans of Latino descent – one-sixth of our population," US president Barack ...
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US plays politics with N. Korean food aid, NGOs say
US aid groups have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with North Korean food aid, imperiling millions of hungry and vulnerable people in the isolated Communist state. As South Korean President Lee Myung-bak continued his state visit ...
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Terrorists Seeking Missing Libyan Missiles, US Official Says
Fox News
Andrew J. Shapiro, Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, said Friday the missiles "could pose a threat to civil aviation." "We know that terrorist groups have expressed interest in obtaining these weapons," he said, ...
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Fox News
Obama Sends 100 US Troops to Uganda to Combat Lord's Resistance Army
ABC News (blog)
The president made this announcement in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Friday afternoon, saying that "deploying these US Armed Forces furthers US national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution ...
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US Court Block of Parts of Alabama Immigration Law Pleases Advocates, State ...
Fox News
Like officials of other states that have passed their own immigration laws, Alabama political leaders say the federal government has failed to control illegal immigration, and has forced states to take matters into their own hands. ...
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Fox News
US Candidate Romney advisers' interests emerge
"He fields their opinions, evaluates them and ultimately makes his own decisions on policy." Last week, Romney criticized Pakistan for what he described as playing "both sides of this game" in its relationship with the US — confronting insurgents ...
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US budget gap widens, tops $1 trln for 3rd year
The US economy, the world's largest, has escaped the painful sovereign debt crisis the euro zone is now suffering, although the deterioration in its fiscal stance has roiled domestic politics. Many experts argue anemic US growth and a dire job market ...
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US Senate primary: To GOP voters, 'none of the above' looks good
Orlando Sentinel
Hasner attempts to tie LeMieux to Crist's moderate politics — "LeMieux: It's French for Crist," reads one bumper sticker — which LeMieux disavows. LeMieux attempts to paint Hasner's record in the Florida House as moderate, which Hasner disputes. ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
U.S.: Case Against Iran Strengthens - Politics News Story - WBAL ...
By wbal
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- "Multiple" sources have corroborated the report about an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. Friday, October 14, 2011.

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
God's undue influence on U.S. politics - AlterNet -
It's 2011. The fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon shouldn't be up for discussion.
NewsDaily: U.S. plays politics with N.Korean food aid, NGOs say
U.S. aid groups have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with North Korean food aid, imperiling millions of hungry and vulnerable people in ...

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