Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Ohioians voting overwhelmingly to restore collective bargaining rights for ...
Northwest Progressive Institute Official Blog (blog)
Good news out of Ohio tonight: It looks like Republican Governor John Kasich and his pals' plot to strip the Buckeye State's public workers has been resoundingly halted in its tracks in a major progressive victory. As of around 9 PM Eastern/6 PM ...
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Shuffle Master "Delivers More" at SAGSE 2011
MarketWatch (press release)
...More of an Edge with High-Performance Games for the Equinox(TM) Cabinet Housed in the stylish new Equinox cabinet, Shuffle Master will showcase its wide variety of slot machine titles that feature stunning graphics, enticing progressive jackpots and ...
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Hinkle: 'Personhood' amendment extends progressivism to the uterus
Richmond Times Dispatch
But it's just as fair to say it simply extends progressivism to the uterus. Mississippi's ballot measure has implications that reach beyond the abortion debate, writes Jessica Valenti, founder of the Feministing blog, in The Washington Post. ...
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Tim Ashe responds
Winning in March -- I strongly believe three decades of conflict between Burlington Democrats and Progressives should come to an end at the caucus on Nov. 13. At the caucus will be voters who identify as Democrats, Progressives, Independents, ...
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'The Fast and Scurrilous': A Statistical Numbers Game that Cost the Life of ...
Hawaii Reporter
BY JEFF CHURCHILL - The Fast and Furious - Is this a conspiracy of the Progressives exploitative campaign against of our 2nd Amendment gone wild? You bet it is - and there's proof how these egotistical zealots' insidiousness got the best of them. ...
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FG, govs agree on oil subsidy removal
Nigerian Tribune
The governors are of six political parties, made up of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP), Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and Labour ...
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Confirmation Bias in Everything
In June of 2010, Daniel Klein and Zeljka Buturovic published a study which they said proved that liberals and progressives were less enlightened about economic issues than their libertarian and conservative counterparts. Klein followed up with an Op/Ed ...
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Feingold should run for president to better choices
UW Badger Herald
While Feingold has said that he will not run for political office in 2012, he has tried to stay relevant since his 2010 defeat by forming a political action committee, Progressives United. Progressives United aims "to stand up to the exploding ...
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Wall Street's Man in the White House Gets Demoted
The Nation. (blog)
It's unusual, but it is good news for progressives. There is no doubt that Daley's hiring represented a tack to the right, and towards a more corporate-friendly approach, and this demotion could reflect at least a partial retreat by the White House ...
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The Nation. (blog)

Web3 new results for Progressives
Progressives: let's not lose perspective. Occupy Wall Street is ...
Progressives: let's not lose perspective. Occupy Wall Street is indeed very popular, but not as wildly popular as recent polling makes it seem. The polls provide a ...
My Turn: Progressives are about to steal my party, again ...
Is it my imagination or has the Progressive Party hatched the perfect Trojan Horse candidacy for (D/P)-Tim Ashe?
Forum Post: Political Solution to Satisfy Progressives and ...
Let each state raise taxes on their people whether in a progressive manner or a flat tax manner. By doing so, they can implement free health care, education, ...

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